Renova Cloud at Vietnam Mobile Day 2019

Renova Cloud was proud to sponsor in partnership with AWS Vietnam Mobile Day 2019 in Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi. Vietnam Mobile Day is one of the largest annual Tech Events for all tech lovers in Vietnam.  With leaders from top-notch Tech companies, up rising startups and influencers coming together to share their most exciting technology show cases in 2019. We didn’t want to miss this!

Our team of AWS Certified architects and engineers were onsite sharing insights and information about how Renova Cloud can help organizations achieve the most out of AWS.

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Renova Cloud Head of Cloud Solutions, Dong Nguyen shared key tips on how to optimize your cloud environment with Spotinst.

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2fccd7eb da31 4eb1 997f 2c3a4c414ed9Renova Cloud Head of Solutions gave a presentation to Summit attendees on how to leverage Spotinst for their cloud environment. Attendees of this talk explored with Dong all aspects of Spotinst followed by a Q&A Sessions. Have you missed the sessions? No worries, contact us to receive slides’ deck and ask for your demo!
