Small Business Owners Or Want To Get Fast To The Market With A Clear Budget?

Small business owners or want to get fast to the market with a clear budget? These are the technologies that will take you forward on 2019

The world has become digital and requires small and medium businesses to ask themselves how they can adapt to

it. We have summarized some trends that are important to identify, and at the end, blue and white technologies that

will help you implement these trends.

Innovation changes the business world, and affects not only large corporations. Small and medium-sized

businesses may, in many cases, profit even more from innovation trends that help these companies grow

significantly. Small and medium businesses must constantly ask themselves how they can become more friendly to

the digital world. Using advanced technologies brings business management more effectively, and helps reaching

the same audience is looking for innovation, especially when it comes to Millennials.

Small and medium businesses that stay up to date with the various technologies and trends will succeed in

maintaining the competitive edge. If they do not do so, their competitors will do so and those who avoid

technological updates will find themselves out of the game.


A good example in Israel is Bring Bring, which built a platform that competes with the large supermarket chains,

connecting neighborhood containers to a single platform that requires rapid deliveries of quality products, while

strengthening the small businesses that are members of the platform. It is doubtful whether these container owners

could have survived giant networks without such an advanced technological solution.

A simple and first way is by creating an internet site, but that’s not enough. It is possible to identify some trends and

technologies in the innovation world that are particularly relevant for small and medium businesses:

Artificial intelligence and chat bots

Customer service and even the sales world are experiencing a revolution – following the introduction of technologies

that enable the use of artificial intelligence to generate chat bots that carry text or telephone conversations with

customers, automatically without human contact. Today, to book a restaurant or order a pizza, you do not need to

talk to a service representative. In many cases, technology eliminates the need for an employee to perform these

operations on his own, with small and medium-sized businesses able to profit greatly from financial savings and

increased sales as a result of these technologies.

Smart analytics systems

The modern world is full of information. It is easy for companies on the one hand to drown in irrelevant information and on the other hand not to use information that can help them improve their operations intelligently. New technologies are becoming affordable and affordable for SMEs, enabling analysis and understanding of all relevant data, providing insight into business performance.

The Internet of things

The Internet is a technology that creates connectivity between different products and the Internet. The technology

creates new ways for businesses to be smarter and more efficient, and even allows those to offer new ways of

communication with customers. Additional use of these technologies is in the form of personal assistants such as

Amazon’s Alexa, which can help businesses improve productivity. It is recommended that businesses consider how

integration of this technology can improve business communication or management, since here the possibilities are

almost limitless.

TiviClick : The company offers companies a new way to communicate with their customers through real-time

communication in a video call. Customers can send a message and ask for a call with a representative and choose

when they would like the agent to return to them.

CashUp: The company offers cash flow management software for small and medium businesses, which includes

automatic document production and bank reconciliation options.

My Deez : a service that enables companies to receive their customers’ details, such as personal details and mailing

permits, easily and quickly. The data collected by the service is reliable and accurate and helps to provide the

customer with an improved service experience.

Loom Systems: An artificial intelligence-based analytics platform that allows you to predict and prevent user

experience issues before they affect customers.

CreditPlace: An investment platform that allows investors to purchase pending invoices for payments made to

suppliers. The business that sells the invoice actually receives a timely payment of “current 0” instead of waiting for

30 or 120 days, while investors receive the return on investment in up to four months plus returns for the risk they took.

Duda: A platform for building mobile websites designed for small and medium businesses that can use it to build DIY sites.

LeadClient: A media and advertising management system used for lead management, enabling tracking and

management of business inquiries from various entities.

How we can’t mention Google’s G Suite, which serves as a service that provides small and medium

businesses with the most basic tools needed: Business e-mail addresses, video conferencing options,

cloud storage, and file sharing options. Google offers these services at cheap prices, and even offers a free

trial period.



Small and medium businesses must internalize that the world is changing, and that if they do not adopt the

new technologies, their competitors will do so and they will disappear. 

Credit and source : Itai green