Why you should NOT use Renovisor

Binh Nguyen
Head of DevOps
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Call us biased, but we think we offer one heck of a cloud optimization platform.
It’s automated, it addresses the most common culprits of inflated AWS costs, and best of all, our customers can’t get enough.
That said, even we can admit Renovisor might not be for everyone. Once in a blue moon, we find a cloud optimization master who simply has it all figured out.
Think you might be one of them?
Read our checklist below to find out!
You love calculating Reserved Instances and Savings Plans
There’s nothing more exhilarating to you than manually estimating your cloud usage in order to purchase the right number of Reserved Instances and Savings Plans for your company.
Everyday you wake up, calculator in hand, ready to turn on Excel and run through your usage data, your application’s architectural needs for the next 1-3 years, and how many customers you plan on onboarding next year.
If this isn’t exciting enough, you also get to research which family types, RIs, and Savings Plans make the most sense for all the above criteria.
Automating this process would kill all the fun and force you to spend more of your time building cool products and features. Who needs that?
Not you. Unless of course, you need all of this information in real time.
Even if you love calculating RIs and SPs, the accuracy of your predictions are questionable (no offense) because they’re based on the AWS CUR (Cost and Usage Report) which has a 2-3 day delay in getting actionable insights.
As you know, your application’s usage can spike one day and shrink the next, which means you’re likely overprovisioning (buying more resources than you need), resulting in significant cloud waste.
This costs organizations billions of dollars every year.
Alternatively, Renovisor automatically adjusts (purchases and sells) EC2 commitments (Reserved Instances and Savings Plans) in real-time based on the environment’s capacity requirements, achieving optimal commitment utilization and dramatic reduction in EC2 spend.
So even if you get a kick out of calculating RIs and SPs, you have to ask yourself, is it really worth the cost?
You’re not concerned about cloud costs
You’re living the dream. Money is no object to your organization and your CFO constantly tells you to invest more in the cloud and to continue purchasing On-demand instances at your discretion.
You have complete freedom to create features and build apps without ever thinking about the financial repercussions and you’ve reached the ultimate DevOps utopia.
If this is you, you most definitely don’t need Renovisor. Pinch yourself to make sure you’re not dreaming and continue living your best life.
We won’t be bothering you, but we might want you to hook us up with a job
Your EBS volumes are properly utilized
We’ll just toss you over a crystal ball because you’re practically a fortune teller.
Your forecasting skills are so accurate, you never fail to allocate the perfect amount of EBS volumes per application since you know exactly how much you’ll need in a month, six months, two years, and beyond!
Overprovisioning is of no concern because you know precisely when you’ll require more storage and can adjust your capacity before it’s too late.
Downtime and failure? That’s for amateurs. Your EBS volumes are always optimized to perfection so you will never go beyond your limit.
If this is you, congrats! You don’t need to buy Renovisor, but if you happen to know this week’s lottery numbers, we’d really appreciate a heads up.
Your engineers love optimizing cloud costs
If your motto is the less automation the better, Renovisor may not be for you.
We wouldn’t want to take away countless opportunities for your engineering team to spend time on what they love most: measuring capacity needs, forecasting resources, and purchasing commitments.
That would be cruel.
What else would they do with their time? Enhance your existing product, build more functionality, or create more features?
Don’t be ridiculous.
Their time is definitely best spent optimizing cloud costs.
You don’t have Idle resources
You laugh in the face of cloud waste. You’re confident all your cloud resources are used as needed and there are no scary zombies hiding in your cloud environment.
Most of us mere mortals forget about various cloud resources like EBS, EIP, ELB, and EC2 that are often left running in the background (and being paid for), but not being used. Not you though. You’re diligently tracking every resource, ensuring it’s used to its full potential.
You don’t need to buy Renovisor to automatically identify and dispose of orphaned cloud resources. You practically are Renovisor . Good for you!
Scaling is not on your to-do list
Growth might be the ultimate goal for most businesses, but not yours.
Your company is happy where they’re at. They don’t want you to build more features, get more customers, or enhance the functionality of your product.
As a result, your cloud environment is stable and predictable. No risk of EBS failure since your volumes remain constant. Overprovisioning to accommodate growth is also a non-issue.
Buying and selling commitments is definitely not on your mind since your workloads are always right-sized.
Boring? Yes. But at least you have stability.
So do you need Renovisor?
If the above criteria apply to you, congrats, you don’t need to buy Renovisor. But if it doesn’t, Renovisor is the superhero you’ve been waiting for.
Renovisor helps its customers cut costs by 50% on EC2, up to 90% on EBS, and requires zero engineering effort.
Plus, Renovisor provides a buy-back guarantee for any unutilized commitments and our fee is 100% success-based. This means you have absolutely no risk.