So what is DEVOPS at all?
Samira Kabbour
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DevOps’ domain, which has gained tremendous popularity in recent years, relies on old development principles on the one hand, but on the other includes entirely new areas and a pace of change. This combination makes every attempt to set DevOps clearly into a challenging task. DevOps development is directly related to our use of computers, software and applications.
Until the beginning of the 2000s, software development was conducted in a step-by-step process.
It would start planning, developing, testing, testing and then distributing to the market. This process was well suited to the time when software came in a box packed, used on the PC at home or at work, and the Internet was something that came on slow telephone lines.
This method of development was called Water Fall, a waterfall, and suited the period when the software had clear distribution dates each year. With the expansion of Internet usage and the possibility of distributing software via online means, developers have begun to adopt the concept of agile software development.
A development process in which the stages are done in parallel, and are repeated all the time, according to feedback received from the users.
With the increasing use of smartphones, advanced online services, and the ability to use the Internet anywhere – fast software development has become the only way companies can keep pace with the development of new changes and additions.
And anyway, what are the difficulties and are the DevOps on the way to disappearing?
If we still try to focus the definition, we can say that DevOps is a development culture that allows teams to work together on design, development, testing, distribution, and software operation.
This is done through a combination of automated tools, a flexible computing infrastructure and principles that are required to move as continuously as possible between the various stages of development. All of these processes move in parallel and cyclically to continually improve the product. A challenging definition on the one hand, but on the other hand, the combination of the various hats has made the DevOps profession a profession desired by many.
At the beginning of the millennium, IT knowledge and experience was sufficient to deal with new computing services. But over the past decade, as the computing infrastructure has undergone a fundamental shift from cloud services, DevOps has become an area that requires expertise, expertise and experience. Proper utilization of services is an integral measure of a company’s success.
One example of this is WhatsApp, which when purchased by Facebook in 2014 had only 18 employees but was used by no fewer than 1.8 billion users worldwide.
The ability to control the process of application development and distribution to a variety of devices around the world is an example of the technological capabilities available to any organization and, no less, to the capabilities of the company’s DevOps.
In most organizations, the guiding principles for DevOps are speed, availability, reliability, survivability and security. As a result, organizations were required to adapt their services to comply with the new regulations. This issue will be of great importance in the coming years, and will force DevOps to incorporate the principle of privacy throughout the company’s development process.
With the increased use of automated tools and testing, some believe that DevOps is an intermediate stage.
This claim may be correct in the very distant future, but the DevOps people still have a long and prosperous career in the coming years. The reason for this claim is that many times the role of the DevOps is still perceived as a purely technical role that deals with the organizational infrastructure.
But the role of DevOps is much more than that, and it first focuses on a factor that is able to look at enterprise development processes in an inclusive way and optimize them for the business needs of the organization.
In the end, capabilities such as collaboration, interpersonal communication, systemic vision and coping with changes are the capabilities that have become significant to define a talented Devop.