Free access SAP Ariba and Triplt

Free access SAP Ariba and Triplt


All businesses are facing unprecedented challenges right now as the impact on the global economy continues. Business travel is restricted, events are canceled, and supply chains have been weakened.

For the next 90 days, SAP is opening access to SAP Ariba Discovery. Any buyer can post their immediate sourcing needs and any supplier can respond to show they can deliver. Free to post. Free to respond. Open to everyone.

Access to SAP Ariba Discovery will help buyers and suppliers connect quickly and effectively and minimize disruption and increased consumer demand in times of crisis. SAP operates the largest business network in the world. Representing more than 4 million suppliers in over 190 countries and $3.21 trillion in commerce on Ariba Network.

The SAP Concur portfolio offers a tremendous pulse into the travel industry. Each day, TripIt from Concur processes hundreds of thousands of travel itineraries for people around the globe, monitors their flights and alerts them of any changes or delays. In response to increasing schedule changes and cancellations stemming from COVID-19, SAP wants to do their part to help those who must travel. Until end of March, any person can sign-up for Triplt.

Read Now: Google will begin rolling out free access to advanced Hangouts Meet video-conferencing capabilities.

Free access SAP Ariba and Triplt